Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Update 5/18/2010

Connor is now in an autistic program at our school and doing very well. He has made a lot of progress with more to go. He still has a lot of issues with balance whenever he gets a virus and has some regressions. He had the stomach virus that was going around not too long ago and he went through a period of falling constantly and needing me with him at all times. If I went to the bathroom he would scream like someone was killing him. I usually took him just to avoid the scenes but as we all know there are times when we can't do that. He took a particular fall that left major teeth marks in my parents computer and necessitated a trip by ambulance (husband wasn't reachable to get us there) to the ER. He had a hole in his lip and according to the ER just some cuts in his mouth. His teeth were fine. Well, he kept complaining of his teeth and Connor doesn't complain of things like that he doesn't feel pain like you and I do. Not to mention anyone with an ounce of sense and who saw the marks on that computer could not believe for a minute that he had no damage to his teeth. I took him to the pediatric dentist (thank God we have an amazing one) and the teeth that had no damage.. well, he had 4 teeth with significant damage. He chipped one tooth (told the Dr at ER and they told me it was not chipped) and even hit hard enough to fracture the root on one of his teeth (I didn't even know if it was possible). So, now we wait and see what happens. Ultimately he may lose up to 4 teeth. We can only wait to see if nerve damage develops or his teeth abscess.

He is a great kid with some weird quirks. He is loving and amazingly smart. He picks up things that would take someone else a long time to get. He got into my computer and down loaded music and found a whole media section on my laptop I didn't even know was there. He is one special person.

As you can see the story continues. I am always petrified that the next illness will be the one that regress him so much that there is no coming back from it. No answers from Doctors. In fact at this point he doesn't see anyone besides his pediatrician. The other Doctors have given up. If there is anyone still following this after all the time I have not posted, thank you, we can use all the support we can get.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

July 2, 2009

We have so much going on and yet not much new. If that makes any sense. Since my last post Connor has seen the new neurologist, had an MRI, had some genetic testing, we have had appointments at the school he will be going to in the fall because he ages out of early intervention on his birthday. I will try to do this chronologically.

Our appointment with the new Nero dr didn't go as well as we had hoped. He won't take Connor's case. He says it is too complicated. That he would refer us to CHOP. He did order blood work for some genetic testing, an MRI and some special hearing tests. Connor has had the MRI done and that showed the "foci's" or spots on his brain are stable. They haven't gotten worse. What he didn't tell me until I got the report myself is that there is a problem showing with the blood vessels in his brain. He has a hypoplastic vertebral artery. Which mean that the artery running up along the spine of his neck to the brain has no give to it. It is stiff. (very basically put). The basilar artery is ectatic which means the artery being fed by the vertebral artery is slightly bulging. I looked this stuff up on my own and then called the dr because they both can lead to a stroke. I was told that it had nothing to do with what is going on with him now and he hasn't had a stroke yet. DUH! I knew he didn't have a stroke but what about what may happen in the future? So it has now been decided that we need a consult with a Neurosurgeon. We haven't got the genetic testing back yet. Hopefully next week. We are holding off on the hearing test because he would have to be put to sleep for it and no one told us that when we went to do the MRI or we would have done them at the same time. Now I don't want him sedated until he is checked out by the neurosurgeon.

We need to go to a whole bunch of different dr's and so far I haven't made any of the appointments. The neurosurgeon and the cardiologist have to come first. Connor needs a cardiologist now because he now has a heart murmur. We need to get him to a gastro dr because of the chronic diarrhea and the choking. The school is insisting this all be done before he starts at the end of September. He will need a barium swallow test so that they can see the structures of this throat while drinking something to try and determine why he is choking so much. We have seen a developmental eye dr because his occupational therapist thought there may be some processing problems but that turned out ok for now. He has to go back in 6 months. Our pediatrician wants him to be seen by the metabolic team at chop also. I honestly don't remember what the reason was for that one.

We had Connor's 6 month meeting for Early Intervention. He is now getting 14 hrs of therapy/ week. They upped his OT to 5hrs/week and his speech went up to 2hrs/week. We also had our meeting with the school case manager and the school. I am so not ready to be sending my almost 3yr old to school. None of my kids went to preschool or daycare and here I have one that has the most trouble and I have to send him out of the house sooner than all the others. The big debate is if he should go into the disabled preschool which is 2 1/2hrs/day or the autistic class which is 6hrs/day. My first reaction was no way was he going for 6hrs. He was going to the preschool program. But, after meeting both teacher and hearing about the programs and the teacher to student ratio I really like the autistic class. I am still not happy about how long it is and we are real worried about how he will do away from me for that long. But, the teacher is great and he really liked her. Connor will make the 6th student in the class and there is a teacher and 4 aides along with all the therapists that are in and out of there. I am just not sure what the right thing to do for him is.

Connor is doing better in some areas like his speech is getting better. Still not any where near what it should be but better. He is not so rigid with that he will touch or not touch. His balance is kind of status-quo. He is still having some major risk taking behavior because he doesn't understand that things are dangerous. He will only talk to his 2 cousins. Other that that if any other kids comes near him he goes into his own world and acts like they aren't there. He is having some problems with his temperature. If it is hot outside, if he is tired, if he gets anxious then he starts to run a fever. As soon as the problem (what ever it happens to be at the time) is fixed or goes away then so does his fever. Our dr said that there isn't anything we can really do for it but try to treat it at the time. I can see this having some big problems with the school. I have started to give Connor Melatonin at night before bed to try and help with his sleep issues. Things are at least 90% better than they were. He used to go to sleep @ 9-10 (started trying by 7) then he would wake up around 12-1 and be up until sometimes 5 in the morning then he would be up for the day by 6-7. I was a walking zombie. Now for the most part he is down by 8 and up by 7 with maybe one wake up in the middle of the night but not for too long. Much better!!! We are also in the process of trying to get SSI for Connor. There are so many things he needs and some much our insurance won't cover. I am keeping my fingers crossed. Hopefully if we get it we can get him into a Defeat Autism Now dr.

I will try to post again next week when we get the genetic testing back. I keep hoping that they will find SOMETHING. I need some answers soon or I am going to go crazy.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

April 18th updates

Connor has a new neuro dr appointment on May 22. I tried getting him in with 3 other Universities and children hospitals and I was told that they aren't taking any new neuro cases. We finally found one that will see us. Just don't know if we are going to get anywhere with this one either. We also got a call from our pediatrician and she told us that the blood work we had done on Connor came back as severely anemic. We have to give him some very specific iron supplement 1 teaspoon 2X/day. That is going to be hell. He freaks out any time you try to put something in his mouth. Then we have to brush his teeth or wipe them off with a cloth cause the stuff will stain his teeth. So, that is another fight. If this doesn't improve things in 3 months he will have to go for more tests to see what is causing this.

We had to have the behavioral therapist come in to the house so that we could figure out the best way to deal with his tantrums. They are getting real bad with the violence escalating. He is not a light child and with my disabilities I am having a hard time protecting Connor and myself.We had to figure out a way to safely restrain him while he is going through the worse of it. I am covered in bruises from his melt downs. He is covered in bruises from his melt downs. He takes toy planes and slams them into his head over and over again. It is scary and heart breaking. His therapist is now calling in the same woman because Connor's speech has gone way down and he is going into his own world much more often. We need help trying to figure out why and what to do about it. We have set up an eval for Connor to start Occupational therapy as an out patient along with what he is getting now. He needs more than he is getting and his therapist now feels that with early intervention they approach things developmentally and as an out patient they will treat it more from a medical stand point. We are all hoping that this helps. Only problem with that is that we don't have the eval until 8/24.

His new developmental scores are in but I don't have them with me. I will post them next time I write. I will also get on here as soon as I can after our neuro appointment in May. God I hope we get some answers and this doesn't turn into another big let down. Thank you all for your prayers and your caring

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Developmental Pediatrician

We had our appointment with the developmental pediatrician on 3/5. I have very mixed feeling about it. The dr that evaluated him says he is only 4 months behind developmentally. No one including his pediatrician believes that. When he is around children that are 18 months or older it is in your face how far behind he is. The dr did not see him interact independently. Every test he did was with Connor sitting on Joe's lap. Any one who works with him knows that what you see when he is "contained" in a chair or lap is not what you see when he is on the floor on his own. (it is now believed that this is because of all of his sensory problems). He did not watch Connor play & see how he doesn't really play. He paces, stops looks at a toy for a few minutes and then starts pacing again. Anyway, even with all he didn't do, he has diagnosed him with PDD-NOS. Which means Pervasive Developmental Disorder No Origin Specified. So, the long and the short of it is that Connor does fall into the autism spectrum. There is a great web site Autism Speaks that explains PDD-NOS if anyone wants a better understanding of this. http://www.autismspeaks.org/navigating/pdd_nos.php .

Connor has started Occupational therapy. He has so many sensory problems that they are going to try a special music program. It works with the brain to try and make some of the connections that are either not connected or broken. He is stimming so bad lately that I don't know what to do. He is also getting more and more violent. I getting so that I don't know how to handle him anymore. I am covered in bruises. He will be slamming his head into you one minute and hugging you the next. He paces around the living room in a circle humming the whole time for an hour or more at a time. Julia is becoming afraid of him because you never know what is going to set him off and he will start hurting you or himself. Because he doesn't feel pain like a "normal" kid we have to be very careful when he does start to flip out. Walking away from him when he is like that doesn't work because he just turns the violence on himself. I am really at a loss.

We are trying to get him in with a Neuro Doctor outside of CHOP for a second opinion and to see about another round of IVIG for him. Unfortunately we are not having any luck. I have called DuPont Children's hospital and Bristol Myer's Squid Children's Hospital (Robert Wood) and neither one is taking any new neuro cases. I don't know if they really aren't taking new cases or they heard we were looking for a second opinion and decided they weren't interested. Our pediatrician is now trying to talk to some dr's and get us in somewhere.

Connor will be ageing out of the Early Intervention program in September. They only take kids until they are 3 then they have to go to a special needs preschool. I am NOT OK with that at all. He will have to be on a bus because I can't drive him due to my disabilities and I don't even know how I will get him to the bus. I don't want him in a school so young. I know people do it all the time and I have nothing against it if it is right for them. It is not right for me. I didn't send any of my kids to preschool or day care. I know I need to send him so that he can have the best chance of a "normal" life someday but I am not OK with it and don't know how I am going to handle it when the time comes to actually put him on the bus scared to death. (he doesn't handle being away from me very well at all and doesn't handle new situations at all well). I just wish that our state did it more like NY. From what I understand they have early intervention till 3 yrs and then another program pick them up in the home until 5yrs of age & then they go to special needs school. I would be much better with that kind of program.

I will write again as soon as I know when and where we have a new neuro appointment. I am hoping it will be soon and not months away. Thank you all for caring and following Connor's story.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


It has been a long time since I have updated everyone. So much has gone on. Sorry for the long delay. Connor was doing really well for awhile after his IVIG therapy. Unfortunately his neurologist feels that his progress was just a coincidence and not the IVIG therapy that did it. She is the only one that feels that way. All of his therapists, other doctors, family & friends saw a big change in him and it was too soon after the therapy and too drastic after almost 1yr of regression and delays to be anything but the therapy. His walking had gotten better. Not up to what a "normal" 2yr old would be walking and doing things but definatly better than he was. His words and developmental age were getting better. Again not where he should be but much better than where he was.

A month or so ago we realized that he was having an increase in sensory problems. He was starting to have more falls. He knows when he is having a real bad day and uses his walker on his own. But, he doesn't show fear after a fall like a typical kid. He also doesn't seem to feel pain like a normal kid. If he cries after a fall then you can be sure he really got hurt. Around Christmas he started to have a lot more falls. He ended up with a fat & split lip with a blood blister on it plus a few bruises on his forehead all for his Christmas pictures.

Since the last posting his therapies have been increased. We had a Occupational therapy eval for all his sensory problems and his fine motor skills. They have said that he has alot of problems and needs to start therapy ASAP. They are trying to push that paper work through. That will be a minimum of 2 hrs/week. He has PT 1hr/week, developmental intervention 6hrs/week & speech 1hr/week. He is up to 10 hrs/week of therapy. Yet he is still a year behind in just about everything.

We are still trying to get in to the developmental pediatrician for the evaluation for autism. That needs to be either ruled in or out. He has alot of autistic traits but at the same time he has other things going on that have nothing to do with autism. His neuro dr seems to think that is what is going on now. Mind you she hasn't seen him since October. She only talked to me on the phone yesterday for 10 min and decided that the fact that he is getting worse and his walking is getting bad again is not ataxia or neuro problems but autism. We do have an appointment with the developmental dr but not until September 14, 2009. Our pediatrician called this dr and told him Connor's history and the developmental dr said he will see us before February and that Connor can not wait until September to be seen. Thank God for that. I don't know that I can wait that long to have this done.

We are in a holding pattern now and while we are playing this waiting game with the dr's Connor is slowly getting worse again. His speech is still better than we were but he is repeating things over and over again. They call that echolalia and it can be a symptom of alot of things. There has been a lot of upheaval in the house lately from some so called "friends" which I am sure has not helped Connor or his progress any. We are trying to overcome any damage caused by that. The holidays seemed to have also kind of upset the balance of things with Connor. I am hoping now that things are getting back to normal we may see some improvement with him again. I will post as soon as I have something new to tell. Hopefully we will get the developmental dr eval done soon. It would be real nice to have a diagnosis for him. Without that we don't have any idea of what kind of prognosis we are looking at. Keep Connor in your prayers please. He still needs all he can get.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

IVIG update 9/13

Connor went in on 9/2 to Children's Hospital to start his IVIG therapy. We got home late on Friday night 9/5. He handled everything pretty well. Connor had no major complications. He woke up during one treatment and freaked out. We aren't really sure what caused it. I think he was in pain of some kind because of the high pitch scream he was doing. They told us to watch for vomiting even though he did that right before we left there and they thought nothing of it. He has had a few more "freak outs" since we have been home but again I am really not sure what it means. He is completely out of control when it happens. He will only allow one of us to be near him or hold him at a time when he is going through this. I have some pretty major bruises from the last one we went through. He practically threw himself out of my arms. It was very scary to watch.

We met with a bunch of different dr's all over again while we were in there. We met with the metabolic team and the attending dr of the neuro floor. We were given a questionnaire to fill out because of Connor's developmental delays. They came back later to tell us that he failed the autism screening test on multiple levels. We now need to see a developmental pediatrician. I have been informed by our therapists that this will probably take about 1yr to get an appointment. The dr's also decided that if this does not work in about 1 months time we will start the process of getting him in for the muscle and skin biopsy. Connor also went through another overnight EEG. That lasted about 16hrs. Not the 48 hrs the other neuro dr wanted but at least it was better than just an office one. That came out fine. They didn't do the CAT scan for his liver because no one felt his liver this time. I would have felt better if they had done the CAT scan just to rule out a problem especially since there are 2 dr's on record that felt something. Connor also had a problem with his blood pressure while we were there. Actually he has had it happen quite a few times even before this hospital stay. His blood pressure went up to 154/90 at one point. It had been up and alarms going off many times and they would just come in and shut it off and say "he is really moving around in here, hu?" I would then tell them that he was sleeping and hadn't moved. They just blew that off too because IVIG lowers the blood pressure not raise it. I am going to be bringing that up to our pediatrician ASAP!

We were told that we could see results from the IVIG as early as 48hrs to 4 weeks. If after 4 weeks we don't see a change then they are going to call it quits with the IVIG. If we see results we can go through the process again in about 2 months. We have to go and see our pediatrician on Tues 9/16 for a follow up and to make sure he isn't having any of the other complications that we just can't see.

So far we haven't seen any thing to say that this is working. Physically, there has been no change. His choking has actually been a bit worse. Developmentally, Connor said his first word since this started that wasn't him just parroting!! He said "ball". His therapist has been working on this word since they started working with him. This week she held up the ball and he just said "ball". We are so excited. No one is taking this as a sign that the ivig worked yet because it is such a small step and we can't be sure if this is from the ivig or from the persistence of his developmental therapist. I still am holding out hope. We still have time. And I look forward to his physical therapy this week to see if we can see any improvement.

Connor's therapies through early intervention are coming up for a review already. I know that they are working on getting him a behavioral evaluation to see if behavioral therapy will help him, Physical therapy is looking for more time, developmental therapy wants more time with him and our social worker has told our case manager that speech therapy needs more time. In other words, Connor & I are going to be very busy!!!

Thank you for all the thoughts and prayers. I can't imagine how we would be handling all of this without the love and support we get from our family and friends (ones we know and the ones we just haven't met yet). I will post as soon as I can or sooner if there is anything new to tell you.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


We got a call on Monday night from our pediatrician. They harassed the ins co and after days of phone calls and some great dr's persistence...our ins co approved the IVIG therapy!!!!!!

We had an appointment with our neuro dr on Tuesday and we weren't sure of any of the details yet. We went prepared in case they put us right in to the hospital. Well nothing ever works out as planned so we are still waiting for our admission date. It looks right now as if it is going to be on Tuesday next week 9/2.

No one is sure if this is going to work or not. It is something that they are just trying. As our dr put it, this is something that if we didn't try we would always wonder what if. If this doesn't work then the next step is the muscle and skin biopsy. Our neuro dr is trying to set it up so that he will come see him while we are in the hospital. Connor will also be getting a full body CAT scan to check the liver enlargement and to see if that gives them any clues. They also want us to see a developmental pediatrician. Our neuro dr made a statement like "I don't know if Connor has truly regressed or if he has just developmentally plateaued". If he was doing something at 12 & 13 months old and he is not doing it now then that is a regression!! She also asked if I thought he was autistic. I told her that I have asked questions about it but only because he has autistic traits not because I think he is and every dr we have asked has said no!! What ever is causing his ataxia, balance, choking and speech problems is also what is causing the developmental problems.

We may not know ahead of time what day exactly we are going into the hospital so I may not be able to post again until we get home. I will update this site as soon as I possibly can. Please keep praying for Connor. We are real scared going into this. He could have some bad reactions and side effects. I pray we are making the right choice and that it will help him. Thank you everyone for your prayers. They mean more to us then we can possibly tell you.