Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Update 5/18/2010

Connor is now in an autistic program at our school and doing very well. He has made a lot of progress with more to go. He still has a lot of issues with balance whenever he gets a virus and has some regressions. He had the stomach virus that was going around not too long ago and he went through a period of falling constantly and needing me with him at all times. If I went to the bathroom he would scream like someone was killing him. I usually took him just to avoid the scenes but as we all know there are times when we can't do that. He took a particular fall that left major teeth marks in my parents computer and necessitated a trip by ambulance (husband wasn't reachable to get us there) to the ER. He had a hole in his lip and according to the ER just some cuts in his mouth. His teeth were fine. Well, he kept complaining of his teeth and Connor doesn't complain of things like that he doesn't feel pain like you and I do. Not to mention anyone with an ounce of sense and who saw the marks on that computer could not believe for a minute that he had no damage to his teeth. I took him to the pediatric dentist (thank God we have an amazing one) and the teeth that had no damage.. well, he had 4 teeth with significant damage. He chipped one tooth (told the Dr at ER and they told me it was not chipped) and even hit hard enough to fracture the root on one of his teeth (I didn't even know if it was possible). So, now we wait and see what happens. Ultimately he may lose up to 4 teeth. We can only wait to see if nerve damage develops or his teeth abscess.

He is a great kid with some weird quirks. He is loving and amazingly smart. He picks up things that would take someone else a long time to get. He got into my computer and down loaded music and found a whole media section on my laptop I didn't even know was there. He is one special person.

As you can see the story continues. I am always petrified that the next illness will be the one that regress him so much that there is no coming back from it. No answers from Doctors. In fact at this point he doesn't see anyone besides his pediatrician. The other Doctors have given up. If there is anyone still following this after all the time I have not posted, thank you, we can use all the support we can get.

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