Monday, March 10, 2008

Quick Update 3/9

Just a quick note to let everyone know that things are pretty much the same on this end. Connor has gotten over the RSV & stomach virus that was making him so sick. Neurologically he is the same. He is still walking like he is just learning or drunk and other times he can't even stand up without falling backwards. He is still not talking and has started to try to get us to understand him by pointing and grunting. If he wants a toy opened or something he will take our hands and put it on the toy. He loves to play with the wipes box but if it is closed he will take my hand and put it on top of the box and grunt. If I move my hand he will just keep putting it back on until I get it and open the box.

So far we have not heard from any of his doctors. They released us on that Sunday and I put out calls to everyone on Monday because he was too sick to have the scan. They would not sedate him. I called and let his neuro dr know and asked her to call me back and to date I have not had a return phone call. I am making calls tomorrow again and if I don't hear from anyone again I am not sure what I am going to do. I will have to do something and assume we have been abandoned and try to find someone else to take his case. Right now we have been on our own since 2/21 when they discharged us from the hospital. He has not been examined by anyone for any of the neuro problems. He has seen a pediatrician when he was sick and in the er but that is it. We have no plan of action and no idea what we are supposed to do.

Please keep Connor in your prayers. He really needs them.

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