Saturday, March 15, 2008

Connor's scan 3/14

On Thursday we were supposed to head to CHOP by 10:30 at the latest to get there for his 12:00 shot. The night before I had something just pop into my head. Gee I wonder if anyone got this preauthorized? He was supposed to get this scan and it was set up by the hospital a few weeks ago. But, the way things were going I wasn't taking any chances. I called our ins co first thing in the morning. That turned into a nightmare of hours of phone calls Joe and I were both making and up till the time we left we still didn't know if we were going to get this done. Actually we didn't find out for sure it was going to happen until we were over a half hour into our drive. No one bothered to get the scan authorized. I don't blame my dr for this because she doesn't usually order this test. The original one should have had the authorization but there was nothing on file. That started this experience on a great note.

We got to the hospital to find out that the "shot" he needed was actually a iv that they were going to put it in to give the medicine, take it out when done & then put it in again the next morning. I convinced them to let him go home with the iv and I would flush it. The worst that could happen is that he would pull it out or it would become dislodged and we would have to do it again on Friday morning anyway. Connor has very deep veins and he is not an easy baby to get an iv on to begin with so they were more than willing to give it a try. They gave me all the stuff to flush it and thank God it stayed in place and they were able to use it.

Shot went fine. They have to give it slow because if given too fast can make him sick. The next morning was a nightmare. Between traffic and construction it took us over 2hrs to get there. We were already late then we couldn't find a place to park. I was so afraid they were going to tell us that they couldn't do it. I was practicing in my head the argument I was going to have with them. There was no way that they were not going to do this test!!!! Scan was supposed to start at 11:00 but didn't get started till just after 12. He did fine and woke up easily. Now we wait. I plan on calling his neuro dr on Monday. They have to know something by then. I hope. I will keep everyone posted as things unfold.

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