Monday, March 17, 2008


Some good news for a change. The results of the scan came back negative!!!! Now that is a mixed blessing. Thank God that he doesn't have cancer. But at the same time we still don't know what he does have. I am getting very frustrated. I don't even know where to go with this now. I am waiting for the Dr's office to call me back about what we do now. I called them this afternoon and asked if they had heard anything. The receptionist said she saw something come through with Connor's name on it but she wasn't sure what it was. I waited for over an hour for someone to call me back. Our Neuro's nurse called back to tell me the great news and said that there are no plans as to what to do right now. Our Dr just got the metabolic teams report and was reading that to see if there is something that they suggest that hasn't been tested for yet. So, we wait. AGAIN!!

We go to see our pediatrician tomorrow and I am hoping she will agree with us that enough is enough and it is time to try the steroid treatment or the IVIG therapy. If she does she will call the neuro Dr and hopefully get things moving. The Dr's listen to other Dr's alot better than a parent.

We thank you for all the prayers Connor has received lately from the bottom of our hearts. Those of you sending the prayers and well wishes to us we are going to print them up in a book so that we can show Connor one day how many people pulled together to pray and care about him. I will post as soon as I have anymore news or info. We love you all!!

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